Dedicating yourself to training for a race is an accomplishment in and of itself. But what happens when you suffer from pain or injury along the way like a sore achilles from running? Do you push yourself to finish, or do you call it quits? Below is an account of how one runner used Medi-dyne pain relief products like the Tuli’s® Heavy Duty Heel Cups and ProStretch® Plus to overcome her Achilles tendonitis pain and cross the finish line.
Running With Achilles Tendonitis: Jenny’s Journey
Runners train for months before a race or event. They overcome obstacles such as mental blocks, increased mileage, adjusted technique, fluctuating weather, and aches and pains to finally get to “race month”. With just 3-4 weeks to go, the pre-race training schedule often becomes lighter. The goal is in sight. Nothing can stand in your way! It was during this lighter training period, that runner Jenny Welsh began to experience pain in her right Achilles tendon and ankle.
With encouragement from her friends, Jenny signed up for the 2012 Dallas Rock N’ Roll Half Marathon. This was to be her first half marathon and the next big step in her running goals.
During two years of running 5k’s, 10k’s and a 15k, Jenny had suffered her fair share of running injuries. She had overcome minor overuse injuries such as ankle pain and heel pain, Achilles pain, and IT band pain. So as she rounded the corner into race month training, she was increasingly aware of the potential injury that the increased tightness in her Achilles tendon, outside ankle, and heel might become.
Jenny began using the ProStretch® Plus as Achilles support for running and to stretch her lower extremities for Achilles Tendonitis pain.
Three weeks before the race, Jenny began to experience both heel pain and excruciating pain in her Achilles tendon and lower leg. She immediately began the RICE regimen after daily training, but the pain did not subside. Having previously suffered from Achilles tendonitis, Jenny knew she needed to stop running through her pain. Although RICE helped with the daily pain it just wasn’t enough.
Achilles Support for Running
Admittedly Jenny was desperate to reach her goal. With only one week to go till race day, Jenny decided to seek out other solutions for her Achilles tendonitis. A friend suggested she try Medi-Dyne’s Achilles Tendonitis pain relief products. It worked!
Jenny contacted us to thank us! She told us that, “Once I began using the Tuli’s Heavy Duty heel cups and the ProStretch® Plus that come in the kit I noticed a significant difference. My pain was much better.” Jenny found immediate relief from both her heel pain and Achilles tendon pain after inserting Tuli’s® Heavy Duty Heel Cups into her running shoes.
She wore her shoes with the Tuli’s® Heel Cups in them the four days prior to the race. She mentioned that she wishes she had kept them in her sneakers while running the half marathon.
Jenny explained that she loves the ProStretch® Plus and uses it with and without the toe-lift (depending on the level of Achilles tendonitis and heel pain she feels) to stretch the bottom of her foot, Achilles, and calf muscles. Jenny credits the ProStretch Plus in helping her reach her goal by relieving the pain just days before the race.

Congratulations Jenny! It’s no easy feat to persevere through pain and complete a half marathon. Although the pain hindered her running it did not dampen her endurance. Through the help of race medical professionals and the use of mental techniques like “run a song, walk a song,” Jenny was able to reach her goal of completing the Dallas Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon.
When to Start Running After Achilles Tendonitis
Since the race, Jenny has seen a sports medicine doctor who has confirmed the diagnosis of Achilles tendonitis and prescribed rest, ice, and light stretching. She is continuing to use her Tuli’s heavy duty heel cups and her ProStretch® Plus to help support and heal her injured Achilles tendon and heel pain.
Injury can take place at any point in a runner’s training. Jenny’s story reinforces that fact that taking the right steps to prevent or treat an injury can make the difference between race day success and failure.
Are you suffering from running injuries like a sore Achilles after running or other related pain? Shop for preventative and injury-related products today.
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