We asked Athletic Trainer’s from across the nation questions about “spring injuries.” Here’s what Kristen Smith, head ATC and head of Sports Medicine at Canton South High School in Canton, Ohio had to say;
1. What are “spring sports” and how do they add to the onset of “spring injuries”
Our spring sports include baseball, softball, boys and girls track and boys tennis. It is a shorter season but it is jam packed with games six days a week. Many rotator cuff strains are seen with the throwing sports. The training room is a very busy place with track athletes from shin splints to quad and hamstring strains.
Our cold whirlpool runs daily to ensure our athletes are back on the track the next day. The ProStretch® Plus has been wonderful for our athletes to use, especially for lower leg stretching. This year is the first to have fewer cases of shin splints.
2. What injuries do you see in the spring? Any injury more typical in the spring than in the fall or winter? Why?
Rotator cuff and bicep injuries are more prevalent with our racket and throwing sports. More athletes come out for track than for cross country and I think many of them come out for the social aspect, so their training levels are not optimal when the season starts.
Many one-sport athletes seem to be getting sore and injured more often due to this factor. Lower back strains are another common one with throwers that I feel is due to their lack of training in the preseason. Definitely see more rotator cuff and bicep injuries with males than females due to pitching.
3. What are your prevention programs for these “spring injuries”?
During the preseason I try to make it into the weight room daily to see what types of programs our coaches have put together for our athletes and what our athletes are doing to make themselves better.
With social media playing a large part with athletes, they often come with questions as to why a specific professional athlete is training a certain way. It is great to see them looking into what other athletes in their sport are doing to become better.
4. What are your injury rehab programs for “spring injuries”?
Lots of theraband exercises for our throwing sports. A combination of moist heat, massage, stretching and cryotherapy are used for all lower leg injuries. The ProStretch Pro Roller has been great for quad and hamstring strains, and the ProStretch Plus has been used a lot for plantar fasciitis, calf strains and shin splints.
For more information on how to prevent spring injuries visit medi-dyne.com.
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