ProStretch’s unique rocker design holds the foot in the optimal position for a biomechanically accurate and efficient foot and leg stretch that increases flexibility and enhances overall performance.
If you presently have a foot, ankle or calf injury consult your physician or physical therapist before using the ProStretch. Do not use ProStretch on unstable or wet surfaces, ice, gravel, loose stone, or stand. Never bounce while stretching or stretch to the point to the pain. ProStretch weight limit is 250 lbs and has in one year warranty. Replacing after one year of use is recommended.
Use A Rubber-soled shoe
A rubber-soled shoe is recommended while using ProStretch. Toes may gracefully extend beyond the front edge of the device during usage. This is acceptable and has no impact on its functionality.
Proven Effective Design
ProStretch’s unique rocker design holds the foot in the optimal position for a biomechanically accurate and efficient foot and leg stretch that increases flexibility and enhances overall performance.
For the following exercises can be done using the ProStretch Original Single & ProStretch Original Double.
Instructions are available in the following languages: ESPANOL / FRENCH / GERMAN
STEP 1: Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the foot to a neutral position and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of 30 seconds.
STEP 2: Switch to the other left and repeat step #1.
STEP 3: To reach the inner and outer region of the "gastroc", slowly rock your heel back again until you feel slight tension and simply turn your hips outward. Hold and repeat step #1. Turning hips inward will rotate the stretch to the opposite side. Hold and repeat step #1. Switch to the other leg and follow the same process.
To isolate the soleus/Achilles tendon, use the same process as the beginning "gastroc" stretch, steps 1 through 4, and continue the following:
STEP 1: While a slight tension is felt in the "gastroc", bend your knee slightly forward, approximately 5-10 degrees. To maximize the effect of the stretch, maintain tension in your Achilles tendon by keeping your heel back while bending your knee.
STEP 2: Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the foot to a neutral position and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets for 30 seconds
STEP 1: Keep one foot on the device and extend the free foot one large step backward. (fig. 1)
STEP 2: With your foot securely on the device, bend your knee slightly and keep your heel to the floor.
STEP 3: Keep your back straight and your head up, and slowly extend your chest forward and straighten your knee to stretch hamstrings in the back of the leg. You may support yourself while holding a countertop or the back of a chair. (fig. 2)
STEP 4: Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the feet to a neutral position and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of 30 seconds.
STEP 1: Stand with both fee on the bilateral in a neutral position, lift either foot out of the deice and place the toes of that foot onto the heel rest of the empty side unit.
STEP 2: Slowly rock back while gently applying pressure with your toes on the heel rest. You may do this by keeping a straight leg or bent knee to reach either your "gastroc" or soleus/Achilles tendon.
STEP 3: After 3 sets of 30 seconds with 5-second intervals, repeat with the other leg.
Feature Videos
ProStretch The Original
ProStretch Exercises
ProStretch Stretching Guide
Limited Warranty:
This program instruction manual and reference materials are sold “as is”without warranty on their performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of this product is assumed by you specifically by way of example but not limitation; in the event that you have a history of medical conditions, muscular disorders, deformities or are not in good health, you should consult with your physician before using this product.
However, to the original purchaser only, the manufacturer warrants the product to be free from defects in materials and faulty workmanship under normal use for one-year from the date of purchase. If the product becomes defective, during this one year period, it may be returned to the manufacturer for a replacement without charge with proof of purchase of the product.
The manufacturer makes no other warranties, expressed or implied, relating to the product, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, shall not be liable for indirect, social, or consequential damages resulting from the use of this product.